Collaboration with Rachel Goldfeder

BioMedCentral Blog Artwork


Rachel Goldfeder and her lab at Stanford University published a paper in Genome Medicine. Rachel was asked to write a blogpost for BioMedCentral that required artwork to accompany the article.


Scientifically knowledgable readers who want to know the topic of the article at a glance.

The original artwork for the post was a loading gel, which had little to do with Rachel's work identifying genetic mutations that put patients at risk for disease. While a loading gel is often used as a visual representation of genomics research, it did not highlight how the research went beyond genetics and into the implications for medicine. She asked me to create artwork that better represented the intersection of genomics and medicine described in the post.


Since the concept of genomics is often represented by the letters "ATCG" that make up the underlying DNA, I designed an image that used these letters as the background of an image that could highlight the medical implications of the research. After discussion with Rachel, we decided that the ideal icon to represent the medical aspects of the work would be a stethoscope.

  • Skills : Keynote, Collaboration
  • Category : Design
  • Date : 2016